Hello from Espana!

Hi Friends-
I am creating this little blog so that my friends and family can read about my time here and also as a way to catalog it for myself. I hope you enjoy, and I am new to blogging, so please, bear with me if my page is boring!

Friday, June 25, 2010

birfday partay

I have officially attended my first Spanish birthday party!

Although Marta's birthday is not until July 8th, we celebrated a little bit early so that all of her friends could be there. It was a fun filled, sunny afternoon, full of games, snacks and presents. 24 young girls crowded into our front yard to play ball, tug of war, dance and a pinata. It looked very much like a typical American birthday party. As with everything here, it was very well organized and followed a strict schedule. 

The two main differences I noticed between this birthday party and the ones I am used to:
1. Presents: Marta greeted every guest at the door and when the entered, she opened the present right then and there. Her mother gathered all the presents and only lets her keep some of them. I'm not sure what happens to the rest, maybe they are re-gifted. Another thing that struck me about the presents was that Marta received quite a bit of clothing, which is not normal by American standards for someone so young. 

2. The Pinata: The pinata was an adorable home made (by mom) sponge bob pinata. Instead of taking turns whacking it however, the tallest girl pulled a string on the bottom and it opened up to spill out all the candy and treats.

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